How is “Commuting” defined?

This is a very important question, as UK insurance companies tend to use a very narrow definition.

You’ll need to check with your individual insurer to see what definition they use specifically, but typically insurers define commuting as journeys to and from your usual single place of work.

Have a think about scenarios that could fall outside of this definition :

– you’re asked to cover an illness at a nearby branch for a few days so as they’re not short-staffed

– you work between 2 offices (an increasingly common occurrence as companies for example split Operations and Sales and Marketing between different “Centres of Excellence”)

– your company organises a training day at a nearby hotel

– your role is normally office-based, but one of your company’s biggest clients is on your way home so you sometimes drop something off there on your way home

– you take a second job

And so on…

And even though this may just seem like semantics, the implications of getting it wrong can be severe : if the police have cause to stop you – for any reason – and discover you’re not insured for your daily commute, you could receive six penalty points and a fine of up to £5,000.

Category: Business Use

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